Ohio State College of Education and Human Ecology Research: A Year in Review FY24

Section Items

Faculty and research staff at the Ohio State College of Education and Human Ecology have had an extraordinary year conducting important research, authoring books and journal articles. Look at some of the work they have engaged in to solve pressing problems in early childhood education, health, and equity in FY24.

Section Items

Our Research Portfolio



In External Grants
Awarded in FY2024



In Research
Expenditures in FY2024



New Grants Awarded
in FY2024



Total Active Research



Total Active Funded
Research Projects



Faculty Engaged in
Externally Funded Research

Section Items

Examples of Grants Funded in FY24



Suicide Prevention with Substance Using Youth Experiencing Homelessness

The literature is characterized by a dearth of information on how to reduce risk for suicide among marginalized substance using youth experiencing homelessness (YEH). Suicide is the leading cause of death among YEH and most youth do not access services that may be available to them. Therefore, this study seeks to address this gap in the research literature with the goal to identify an effective intervention that can be readily adopted by communities that serve these youth.

Principal Investigator: Natasha Slesnick


Early Childhood Education Expansion Grant

The Ohio Youth Resilience Collaborative (OYRC) is a partnership between the colleges of EHE, Public Health, and Food Agricultural and Environmental Sciences in collaboration with OSU Extension, local community schools, social workers, public health agencies throughout Ohio. OYRC’s mission is to promote youth resilience and empower families and communities through a wide range of evidence-based prevention programming focused on substance abuse, mental health, suicide, and relationship building.

Principal Investigator: Anneliese Johnson


Developing a Comprehensive Suicide Prevention Program at OhioHealth

The project is entitled ‘Creating a Comprehensive Suicide Prevention Program at OhioHealth.’ It is a three year contract designed to create and implement suicide prevention programming for all medical and support staff throughout the entire OhioHealth system. This project is the first known effort to create a comprehensive suicide prevention program for an entire healthcare system.

Principal Investigator: Darcy Granello


Quality Assurance In Ohio Adult Protective Services

The goal of the Ohio Adult Protective Services Technical Assistance (OAPSTA) Project is to build Ohio’s capacity to help county APS programs develop outstanding quality assurance processes.  Our project aims to facilitate the thoughtful use of ODAPS data and strengthen ODJFS’s ability to provide ongoing technical support to develop best practices, determine barriers to compliance, and identify service gaps. It is designed so that APS staff from the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) will be able to sustain this work independently once the project ends.

Principal Investigator: Kenneth Steinman


Promoting Caregiver Implementation of an Effective Early Learning Intervention (STAR4)

The proposed 5-year study uses a causally interpretable research design to examine the effects of the Sit Together and Read (STAR) early-literacy intervention on the short- and long-term literacy skills of young children with developmental language disorder. It also examines the use of caregiver-directed behavior- change strategies as a means to support caregivers’ implementation of the intended treatment strength. STAR is a fully manualized intervention that significantly improves the early-literacy skills and longer-term reading outcomes of children at-risk for future reading difficulty. The proposed study is instrumental in assessing longitudinal impacts for children with developmental language disorder and identifying ways to enhance caregiver implementation of the key intervention ingredients.

Principal Investigator: Laura Justice



Section Items


In Active Research
Grants among Colleges
of Education in Ohio



In Active Research
Grants among Public
Colleges of Education
in U.S.



In Active Research
Grants among All
Colleges of Education
in U.S.

Source: According to USNews 2025 Rankings of Graduate Schools of Education, for funded research OSU/EHE