Stephanie Power-Carter

Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning
Stephanie Power-Carter is a professor in the Department of Teaching and Learning and the Director of the Center for Discourse Analysis and Video Ethnography (CDAVE). Dr. Power-Carter is passionate scholar who in the words of one of her favorite poets Dr. Maya Angelou, “would like to be known as an intelligent woman, a courageous woman, a loving woman, a woman who teaches by being.” Her passion is to engage in research that helps us to see each other’s humanity more fully. She uses discourse analysis a way to see and examine how people use language to negotiate their identities and to better understand how youth from historically resilient communities navigate their educational experiences. Her scholarship also examines the resilience, possibility, and potential of Black youth.
- Ed.D. Vanderbilt University, Peabody College of Education, Nashville, Tennessee.
- M.A.T Piedmont College, School of Education, Demorest, GA
- B.E d. University of Georgia, College of Education, Athens, GA, Education/English Education
Research Interests
- Access and Equity
- Cultural Studies
- Black education
- Black young women's educational experiences
- Community
- Feminists theories
- Historically marginalized groups
- Other ways of knowing, and theories that are generated by other cultures
- Possibilities
- Potential
- Resilience
- Ubuntu
- English Language and Literature
- Equity
- Curriculum and instruction
- Race, and how Black youth and those historically underrepresented are marginalized because of the ways they engage literacy
- Teacher education
- Teaching and learning
- Whiteness studies
- Literacy
- Sociolinguistics
- Critical discourse analysis
- Discourse analysis
- Ethnography
- Language
- Languaging
- Micro ethnography
- Video ethnography
- Women's Studies
Selected Publications
Articles & Book Chapters
- Power-Carter, S. (2020). RE-THEORIZING SILENCE (S). Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, 59(1), 99-128. Campinas Sao Paulo, Brazil.
- Power-Carter, S. Zakeri, B, Kumasi, K. (2019). Sawubona: Agency, Change, and Power. In Languaging Relationships Across Social Worlds: Re-theorizing the Teaching and Learning of Literacy in the Language Arts. New York. Routledge.
- Power-Carter, S & Zakeri, B. (2018). Blind spots: Literacy, Power, and Personhood. In Re theorizing Literacy as Social Practice. New York Routledge.
- Brown, A. F., Bloome, D., Morris, J. E., Power-Carter, S., & Willis, A. I. (2017). Classroom Conversations in the Study of Race and the Disruption of Social and Educational Inequalities: A Review of Research. Review of Research in Education, 41(1), 453-476.
- Bloome, D., Power-Carter, S. Baker, D., Castanheira, M., Kim, Minjeong, and Rowe, L. (2022CV). Discourse Analysis of Language and Literacy in Educational Settings: A Microethographic Perspective. New York: Routledge.
- Bloome, D., Carter, S.P., Christian, B., Otto, S., Madrid, S., Shuart, N. & Smith, Mandy (2008). On discourse analysis in classrooms: Approaches to language and literacy research. New York: Teachers College Press.
- Bloome, D., Carter, S.P., Christian, B., Otto, S., Shuart, N. (2005). Discourse analysis and the study of classroom language and literacy events: A microethnographic perspective. Mahwah, New Jersey. Lawrence Erlbaum.