TeachOhio FAQ
TeachOhio frequently asked questions
Can alumni participate in TeachOhio?
Yes, alumni are encouraged to register and participate in TeachOhio.
When will I receive a list of participating employers?
Employer registration is currently still open. Students who have registered for TeachOhio will receive a list of participating employers on Thursday, March 16th.
When do interview sign-ups begin?
On March 20th at 4:30 p.m., you will receive a list of participating school districts and interview schedules. It is your responsibility to review the list of school districts and sign-up information.
Do I sign-up for an interview slot if I have already completed a screener interview?
DO NOT sign-up for an interview if you have already completed a screener interview with the school district.
What happens if an interview schedule fills up?
Please understand that interview schedules are limited due to the number of school district representatives attending the career fair. There are several ways to still connect with school districts:
- During the TeachOhio meet and greet from 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. where you will have opportunity to network with participating school districts.
- Drop off copies of your resume to the employer registration table during TeachOhio to be given to your preferred schools.
- Opt into the TeachOhio resume book where all schools will receive a copy of your resume.
How many resumes do I need to bring to TeachOhio?
15-20 copies.
Who keeps track of my interview schedule?
Please note interview sign-ups are on a first come, first serve basis. It is your responsibility to manage your interview schedule. If you need to cancel an interview or have questions regarding your schedule, please email Katie Moore, EHE Career Development Manager.
How to prepare for TeachOhio Interview Day?
- Make sure to register for the event prior to March 16th, so that you will receive the list of participating school districts before the start of interview sign-ups on March 20th. It is strongly encouraged you identify which districts you would like to select for an interview.
- Have your resume reviewed by a career advisor and/or professional consultant ahead of time.
- A portfolio or folder in which to carry your resumes and other materials.
- A notebook and/or planner to track schedule and record notes.
- Check out Buckeye Careers “Career Fairs and Preparation” website resource. For additional information and preparation.
- Attend the virtual TeachOhio Prep Workshop on Tuesday, March 14th at 7:30 p.m., hosted by EHE Career Development featuring guest speaker, Melissa Klosterman-Lando, Director of Employee Relations, Bexley City Schools. Register to attend workshop here.