Certificate in Educational Ethics and Social Justice
A certificate in Educational Ethics and Social Justice will prepare you to understand and evaluate thorny ethical issues such as student privacy, classroom punishment, access, equity, and achievement gaps among marginalized groups. This 12-credit-hour certificate program focuses on the historical contexts, theories, values, and aims of ethical conduct in education, exploring what it means to be ethical and justice-minded educators.
Program features
recognize and resolve ethical conflicts in educational settings
justify and defend a set of aims and purposes of education in democratic societies
explain the historical experience and specific needs of diverse student populations, and apply that understanding to contemporary schooling,
advocate for ethical sensitivity in matters related to educational policy
Required Course
- ESPHE 4403 - Ethics and the Professional Context of Education (3)
Supporting Courses (choose 3)
- ESPHE 3410 - Philosophy of Education (3)
- ESPHE 4280 - History of Modern Education (3)
- ESPHE 5440 - Philosophical Perspectives on Race, Education, and Citizenship (3)
- ESEPOL 3312 - Conflict, Power, and Voice in Public Education (3)
- ESPHE 3206 - School and Society (3)
Certificate Requirements
Must be a current Ohio State student. All courses must be completed at Ohio State
Minimum Program hours
Minimum Course grades
C- for all courses
Certificate/Degree overlap
Maximum 50% of credit hours