College and University Teaching Graduate Certificate

Approved Courses
The following list provides currently approved courses for inclusion in the certificate. You may ask faculty to propose courses to the steering committee for review and inclusion in the list of those that meet these requirements. To do so, faculty must submit a syllabus and Course Approval Form to Shirley Yu.
You may also request one-time approval for specific courses in their own program, without the instructor needing to propose the course for ongoing inclusion.
Required Core Teaching Course (3 credit hours)
- ESEPSY 7404 College Teaching Typically offered each Autumn and Spring semester. We recommend taking this course early/midway in your pursuit of the certificate.
Required Discipline-based Teaching Courses in Home Department, or Independent Study (2-4 credit hours)
These courses vary according to the needs and interests of the offering departments, but must be rigorous, academic examinations of teaching in the field. Classes designed only as practica for GTAs are not sufficient. They must include a broader look at teaching, course and curriculum design, and/or the “pedagogical content knowledge” needed by university faculty in that discipline or interdisciplinary area. When no specific course is available to meet the requirement of a disciplinary teaching course, students may be allowed to enroll in independent studies within their discipline (see guidelines for an independent study).
Mentored Teaching Experience (2 credit hours)
These experiences will vary according to the needs and interests of the student and faculty mentor, but they must include rigorous, multi-faceted reviews and discussion of the student’s own teaching. This may occur within the context of a GTA assignment or with the student assisting in teaching the faculty mentor’s classes. A syllabus or contract describing, at least, the minimum expected interactions should be drafted before the start of the experience, so mutual expectations are clear. Examples of syllabi may help provide some guidance in creating this course. See the guidelines for a mentored experience for additional assistance.
- Work with your mentor to develop a syllabus for your mentored teaching experience.
- Submit the syllabus and course approval form to Certificate staff for approval.
- Coordinate with your mentor and their department staff to enroll in an Independent Study section under your mentor. If such a section is unavailable, work with them to create one for the intended semester.
Elective Courses (min. 6 credit hours in at least two courses)
Elective courses can be taken from those offered in the Graduate School and other units. A second discipline-based course in an appropriate discipline may serve as an elective, if the unit offers more than one class or chooses to open its courses to non-majors.
Use the Ohio State course catalog search to see when courses are offered.
Any student currently in college and university teaching as a graduate interdisciplinary specialization should contact Shirley Yu for individual advising on credits/courses and rules.
Approved Courses
Disciplinary Teaching Courses
- ACEL 8310 - Theory of Learning and Cognition (3)
- ANATOMY 7900 - Clinically Oriented Anatomy (3)
- ANTHROP 7720 - Teaching in Anthropology (4)
- ARTEDUC 7300 - Introduction to Teaching Arts Education at the College Level (2)
- BIOLOGY 6001 - Biology College Teaching (2)
- DANCE 6802 - Foundations in Dance Pedagogy (3)
- DESIGN 6400 - Graduate Design Studio (3)
- EDUTL 7725 - The Nature of Science and Implications for Science Teaching (3)
- ENGREDU 6200 Learning Theory, Pedagogy, and Assessment in Engineering Education (3)
- ESSPED 8919 - Behavior Approaches to College Teaching (3)
- ESWDE 7727 - Assuring Quality in Online Course Design: Moving from Face to Face to Online (3)
- FABE 7220 - College Teaching in Engineering (2)
- HTHRHSC 7250 - Teaching and Curriculum in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (3)
- KNPE 7863 - Teaching Health and Fitness Courses at the College Level (3)
- MUSIC 7810 - History and Practice of Voice Pedagogy (3)
- MUSIC 8820 - Music Theory Pedagogy (3)
- PUBAFRS 8890.04 - College Teaching in Public Affairs (3)
- SLAV 7801 - College Teaching of Slavic & East European Languages (3)
- WGSST 7702 - Feminist Pedagogy (3)
Required Mentored Teaching Experience
- ANATOMY 7289 - Practicum: Developing Educational Components (S/U) (1-4)
- ANATOMY 8289 - Anatomy Teaching Practicum (S/U) (1-4)
- DANCE 7500 - Directed Teaching MFA or PhD (1-3)
- ENGREDU - 7189.01 Teaching Preparation and Support (2)
- ENGREDU - 7189.02 Professional Development in College Teaching (1)
Elective Teaching Courses
- ARTEDUC 7300 - Introduction to Teaching Arts Education at the College Level (2)
- BIOLOGY 5001.01 - Topics in Biology Teaching (1) (repeatable to 15 credits)
- BIOLOGY 5001.02 - Topics in Biology Teaching (1) (repeatable to 3 credits)
- EDUCST 7406 - Course Design for Higher Education (3)
- EDUTL 7744 - Problem Solving in STEM (3)
- EDUTL 7749 - History, Future, and Practical Applications of Concept Inventories in STEM Education (3)
- EDUTL 8731 - Teaching and Teacher Education in STEAM Education (3)
- ESCE 5271 - Wellness: Achieving a Healthy Lifestyle (3)
- ESEPSY 7402 - Educational Psychology: Cognition, Learning, and Instruction (3)
- ESEPSY 7403 - Motivation in Learning and Teaching (3)
- ESEPSY 7406 – Social Basis of Behavior in Education (3)
- ESEPSY 7434 - Professional Development Around Teaching in Higher Education (3)
- ESHESA 7540 - Higher Education Institutions and Core Academic Issues (3)
- ESHESA 7562 - Broad Access Institutions and Community Colleges (3)
- ESHESA 7570 - Internationalizing Colleges and Universities (3)
- ESHESA 7574 - Curriculum in Higher Education (3)
- ESHESA 8552 - The Impact of College on Students (3)
- ESHESA 8560 - Legal Aspects of Higher Education Administration (3)
- ESPHE 7413 - Professional Education: Theories and History (3)
- ESPHE 7572 - History of Colleges and Universities (3)
- ESPHE 8410 - Ethics and Education: Equality, Freedom, and Justice in Schools (3)
- MUSIC 8879 – Seminar: Music in Higher Education (3)
- PUBAFRS 8890.04 - College Teaching in Public Affairs (3)