Quantitative Research, Evaluation, and Measurement (EDUCST-PH, QREM)

Specialization Leading to Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Studies
Effective for students admitted to the College of Education and Human Ecology beginning Summer 2023
Program Requirements (6 Hours)
Common Core
Core 1 Course (3 hours)
- EDUCST 6891 Proseminar in Educational Studies (3)
Core 2 Course: Choose from one of the following courses (3 hours)
- EDUCST 6892 Educational Policy and Inequality in Social and Cultural Context: Integrating Research Traditions (3)
- EDUCST 7765 Grant Writing (3)
- ESEPOL 7100 Writing for Educational Policy Audiences (3)
- ESEPSY 7404 College Teaching (3)
- ESEPSY 8404 Academic Writing in Education: Reviewing the Literature (3)
- ESPHE 6403 Ethics and the Professional Context of Teaching (3)
Specialization Requirements (36 Hours)
Required Courses (24 Hours)
- ESQREM 6621 Introduction to Educational Evaluation (3)
- ESQREM 6641 Introduction to Educational Statistics (4)
- ESQREM 6661 Introduction to Educational Measurement (3)
- ESQREM 7635 Advanced Research Methods (3)
- ESQREM 7648 GLM I: Introduction to Regression and ANOVA (4)
- ESQREM 7658 GLM II: Advanced Regression and ANOVA (4)
- ESPHE 7414 Examining Knowledge, Truth, and Objectivity: Philosophy of Science for Educational Researchers (3)
Elective Courses (choose four, minimum 12 hours)
Two courses from the following list:
- ESQREM 7643 Categorical Data Analysis (3)
- ESQREM 8648 Multivariate Analysis (3)
- ESQREM 8657 Factor and Cluster Analyses (3)
- ESQREM 8658 Applied Multilevel Data Analysis (3)
- ESQREM 8659 Structural Equation Modeling (3)
- ESQREM 8895 Seminars: Quantitative Research, Evaluation, and Measurement (e.g., analysis of longitudinal data; meta-analysis) (2-5)
One course from the following list:
- ESQREM 7627 Sampling Design and Survey Research Methods (3)
- ESQREM 7631 Applied Evaluation Designs (3)
- ESQREM 8895 Seminars: Quantitative Research, Evaluation, and Measurement (e.g., advanced evaluation designs) (2-5)
One course from the following list:
- ESQREM 7661 Instrument Construction (3)
- ESQREM 7663 Test Reliability and Validity (3)
- ESQREM 7667 Authentic Assessment (3)
- ESQREM 8674 Scaling and Item Response Theory (3)
- ESQREM 8895 Seminars: Quantitative Research, Evaluation, and Measurement (e.g., advanced IRT) (2-5)
Research Apprenticeship (9 hours)
Consult with faculty advisor
- EDUCST 8191 Research Apprenticeship: Educational Studies (9)
Dissertation Requirement (3 hours minimum)
Consult with faculty advisor prior to enrollment
- ESQREM 8999 Dissertation or Thesis Research: Quantitative Research, Evaluation, and Measurement
Post-MA/MS: Minimum of 54 hours (Total: 84 hours)
Expected to sit for candidacy: After completing all required coursework
Maximum Hours post Candidacy: 3 credits per semester