PhD in Educational Studies, Quantitative Research, Evaluation and Measurement
The Quantitative Research, Evaluation and Measurement (QREM) program prepares you to become an expert in research design and statistics, program evaluation, and applied measurement and testing. These skills are an essential component as you seek careers in education, government or business settings. This applied program teaches you the critical skills needed for educational inquiry and quantitative techniques. Students in the program need strong analytical backgrounds, critical thinking, and communication and writing skills.
Program features
The faculty keeps you the focus of the QREM program, allowing you to make the program your own.
The tight-knit QREM community lets you get to know faculty and student colleagues on and off campus.
An active student organization that includes members from all over the world.
Teaching opportunities for graduate students.
Career Paths
Funding Options
Key to teaching, research and learning in the college, associateships provide students with professional experience and financial support.

These financial awards are made by Ohio State to students based on academic merit through a university-wide competition.

The college annually awards scholarships to its students to support their academic goals.
Degree Requirements
Minimum program hours
post MA/MS
credit hours total
Deadline to apply
December 1
Program start
Autumn Semester
Additional Application Requirements
Academic Writing Sample
Special Statement of Intent
- Why are you interested in studying Quantitative Research, Evaluation, and Measurement? Why are you interested in the QREM doctoral program at Ohio State more specifically?
- Describe any experience you have with educational, psychological, or other research. What was the nature of the research? What was your involvement?
- Explain how the Ph.D. in QREM fits into your long-term professional goals. At this point, what type of goals or career do you plan to pursue after earning your doctoral degree?
- What faculty member(s) associated with the OSU QREM program do you see as a good fit for you as a mentor?
Apply to Ohio State
Application checklist