Master of Education in STEM: Science

OSU Oval Seal

Schedule of Classes


  • EDUTL 5005* Equity, Diversity, and Justice in Education (3)
  • EDUTL 5195.07 Reflective Seminar: STEM Education (2)
  • EDUTL 5721* Methods in Teaching Secondary Science (3)


  • EDUTL 5745* Assessment in STEM I: Introduction (7 week course) (1.5)
  • EDUTL 5722* Methods in Teaching Secondary Science II (3)
  • EDUTL 5744* Technologies Used STEM (7 week course) (1.5)
  • EDUTL 5189.07* Field Experience STEM (2)
  • EDUTL 5195.07 Reflective Seminar: STEM Education (2)
  • EDTL 5501 Inclusion: Philosophical, Social, and Practice Issues: General Student Body (3)


  • EDUTL 5191.07** Supervised Student Teaching: STEM Education (10)
  • EDUTL 5195.07 Reflective Seminar: STEM Education (3)

* Minimum grade requirement is a B-
**Minimum grade requirement is a B

***Course sequence subject to change***


Total Hours: 34

Students who have completed any of the above courses at the undergraduate level, should consult with their faculty advisor concerning an approved supplemental course.

Program Degree Department Email
Masters Teaching and Learning


Note: Students exact curriculum may vary depending upon program of study determined by student and advisor.