Master of Sports Coaching
Department of Human Sciences
Degree Curriculum
Degree Curriculum

Core Requirements (27 hours)
Autumn courses:
- KNPE 6642 Sport skill and game analysis (3)
- KNPE 7100 Mental preparation and performance in sport (3)
- KNPE 5655 Perspectives on coaching (3)
Spring courses:
- KNPE 6101 Ethics in Coaching (3)
- KNPE 6100 Race, Gender & Culture in Sport (3)
- KNPE 6643 Coaching Effectiveness (3)
Summer courses:
- KNPE 7103 Understanding Coaching Practice: Influencers, Motivations, and Values (3)
- KNPE 7104 Leadership in Sports Coaching: Learning from Master Coaches (3)
Any semester:
- KNSISM 6189 Practicum (3 credits)
Comprehensive Masters Examination Requirement (3 hours)
Students register for a minimum of three hours of KNPE 8193 during the semester they take the examination and take the exam no later than the semester following the completion of coursework.
Electives (Optional)
Consult with faculty advisor
- HTHRHSC 5550 Survey of Sports Medicine (3)
- KNPE 5544 Introduction to Adapted Physical Activity (3)
- KNPE 5643 Coaching Effectiveness (3)
- KNPE 6222 Recruiting Student-Athletes for College Athletics (3)
- KNPE 7754 Advanced Motor Development and Learning (3)
- KNPE 8193 Advanced Individual Studies (3)
- KNSISM 6807 Sport Law (3)
- KNSISM 6809 Sport Marketing (3)
This degree can be completed in 1 calendar year taking courses in autumn, spring, and summer semesters. Summer course offerings are contingent upon meeting minimum enrollment requirements.
Minimum hours: 30 non-thesis degree