Master of Sports Coaching
Sports Coaching is a one-of-a-kind degree that trains highly motivated coaches with the professional skills needed for success when working with today’s athletes. You’ll learn from nationally renowned faculty, professional coaches and sports psychologists as you refine your strengths, discover new skills and challenge yourself to reach your full potential and become a better coach to your athletes.
Program Features
Get an advanced understanding of coaching effectiveness, mental preparation and effectiveness in sport.
Study coaching effectiveness, coaching ethics, skill analysis, leadership, the role of race and gender in sport, recruiting, and mental preparation for athletes.
Develop skills in analysis, critical reflection, problem-solving and coaching.
Your work is grounded in coaching practice, research and case studies.
In addition to faculty and coaches, gain valuable insight from your coaching peers.
A flexible program for coaches that can be completed in one year (includes summer) or I.5 years (excludes summer) of full-time study; or part-time according to your schedule
Student Testimonials
Current Students Spotlight
Our students make essential contributions to the vibrant intellectual community of our program. Click below to learn more about some of our students’ interests and accomplishments.

Hear from Professional Coaches
Funding Options
Key to teaching, research and learning in the college, associateships provide students with professional experience and financial support.

These financial awards are made by Ohio State to students based on academic merit through a university-wide competition.

The college annually awards scholarships to its students to support their academic goals.
Graduate program costs can depend on a variety of factors such as residency, number of credit hours, and number of semesters enrolled. The Graduate Admissions website provides an estimate of annual costs for Ohio residents, domestic non-residents, and international students. The Registrar’s Office provides more in-depth information about Tuition and Fees.
Degree Requirements
Bachelor’s degree, minimum 3.0 GPA; Two years coaching experience
Program Start
Summer Semester
While the MSpC admits for summer, autumn, and spring terms, applicants are strongly encouraged to begin the program in summer term if possible. Even if students haven’t moved to Columbus yet, summer classes are online and can be taken from anywhere. A summer start allows a full-time students to graduate the following spring, better positioning them to take advantage of job opportunities that occur in the spring.
Expected time to degree
1 year, 3 semesters
Deadline to apply
Rolling Admissions
Deadlines for U.S. and international applications can be found on the graduate admissions page
Frequently asked questions
Program Web Site
Mode of Instruction
While some courses may be offered online, this degree requires in-person learning on the Columbus campus.
Prospective students are encouraged to complete an inquiry card so we can share information about virtual info sessions, opportunities to connect graduate students, program news and the admissions process.
Application checklist
Apply to Ohio State