Visual Impairment (VISIMP-GM)
Program leading to a Graduate Minor in Visual Impairment

Required Courses (9 hours)
- EDUTL 5501 Inclusion (3)
- EDUTL 5507 Visual Processes (3)
- EDUTL 5510 Basics of Orientation and Mobility (2)
- EDUTL 5529 Introduction to Visual Impairment (1)
Elective Courses (choose two, 6 hours)
- EDUTL 5506 Reading and Writing in Braille (3)
- EDUTL 5525 Curriculum and Instruction for Children with Sensory Impairments (3)
- EDUTL 5530 Professional Development (3)
Minimum hours: 15
A graduate minor involves one program outside a student’s major graduate program. Students must receive a grade of “B” or higher or “S” in each course comprising the graduate minor. The completed graduate minor will appear on the student’s transcript after the student has completed the transcript designation form available through GRADFORMS (