Declaring a Major and/or Minor in EHE
How to switch into the College of Education and Human Ecology
Students who are interested in declaring a major in EHE must first meet with an EHE Academic Advisor.
The College of Education and Human Ecology offers both competitive and non-competitive majors. Competitive majors are majors in which not every student is guaranteed admission. These majors typically require some sort of formal application process.
Non-competitive majors are majors in which every student is guaranteed admission, once they have met certain criteria. The criterion often includes some sort of GPA or course completion requirement. Once students meet the criterion, they are automatically changed into the full major.
Declaring an EHE minor
Students are not required to meet with an EHE academic advisor to declare any minor in EHE. However, we recommend that students interested in obtaining a minor in Coaching Education or Physical Activity Specialist meet with an advisor.