Current Graduate Students
Graduate students in Education and Human Ecology have access to many resources in the college and at The Ohio State University. Here is a collection of resources, opportunities and forms you will need during your academic journey.
Popular Resources
As a newly admitted graduate student, there’s a lot to do. Here’s a list of the most important things to do after you’re admitted.
Learn more about the funding opportunities available through The Graduate School and other units at Ohio State.
Want to get involved in a student organization to elevate your academic learning? Learn more about the opportunities relevant to EHE students.
Most course registration happens through Buckeyelink. Make sure to consult with your advisor and program requirements when planning courses.
Steps to transfer non-Ohio State graduate credit hours or non-degree credit hours.
From prep and submission of your dissertation or theses, examinations, staying on track during your final semester, and commencement procedures.
Improve your academic success at Ohio State with courses, coaching and workshops that develop learning and motivation strategies.
Students enrolled in a graduate program within the College of Education and Human Ecology may request funding from faculty for support.
More Resources
The Graduate School Handbook contains the rules, policies, and guidelines applicable to the graduate community at The Ohio State University.
Submit a Reactivate Enrollment Eligibility form to the Graduate School.
The Ohio Union Activities Board (OUAB) strives to provide diverse programs and events that are educational, entertaining, and thought-provoking for students on the Columbus Campus.
CGS is the official branch of student government that represents every graduate student at the main and satellite campuses. It is CGS’s primary purpose to work towards a continual improvement of the graduate student experience at The Ohio State University.
Process and requirements for students applying for a dual degree.
Graduate, professional and non-traditional students may choose to live on campus or off campus. University Housing is proud to offer convenient, safe housing for professional, graduate and non-traditional students
The GPS ombudsperson addresses issues and challenges that students may face with faculty and advisors, within their programs or within the university at large, with the goal of supporting a positive learning and work environment and advancing fairness and equity for graduate and professional students.
Learn about all important deadlines and dates on the Graduate School graduation calendar.
The College of Education and Human Ecology’s (EHE) Graduate Student Advisory Council is committed to working toward the betterment of the college and contributing to the overall success of graduate students.
Teaching and Learning
Download and review the graduate handbook for the Department of Teaching and Learning.
If you need permission to enroll in a course, use this form.
The Teaching and Learning EdS program sheet is your guide to program requirements and to construct your course of study. Courses and research requirements can be found on your specialization curriculum sheet.
After you defend your dissertation proposal, complete the T&L Dissertation Proposal Approval form, have your committee members approve it, and send it to TL-academicservices@osu.edu.
The Research Apprenticeship in the T&L doctoral program gives students chances to gain one-on-one research experiences with faculty. Your faculty member may ask you to document your apprenticeship proposal using the Research Apprenticeship Proposal form. Once approved, send to TL-academicservices@osu.edu.
Reserve rooms in Arps Hall designated for Teaching and Learning.
Educational Studies
Requirements and checklists for each Educational Studies degree option, dissertation approval form, final semester procedures and more
Please use the change of advisor form anytime you wish to change your faculty advisor or add a faculty co-advisor to your graduate study
Get more information about current grad student resources, career and professional development opportunities, events and more.
Human Sciences
Review the policies, rules and procedures for the HDFS graduate programs.
Review the policies, rules and procedures for the exercise science, physical education and sport management graduate specializations.
Review the policies, rules and procedures for the Nutrition graduate programs.
International Student Resources
Learn the latest news and events relevant to international students.
These resources provide information from cultural adjustments, life in the United States, managing finances, and other ways to get help.
From weekly global engagement events and student organizations to special events and student trips, there are many opportunities for students to get involved.
Offers full-time ESL courses covering all language skill areas and provides students with the linguistic skills, academic skills and cultural knowledge required to navigate successfully in American college and university curricula.
Supports undergraduate and graduate students in the development of the writing skills required to be successful in Ohio State academic courses.
Provides coursework for prospective International Teaching Associates (ITAs) to enhance linguistic skills, cultural knowledge and teaching strategies appropriate for a U.S. academic classroom.
Resources to help guide you through the immigration process as an Ohio State student.
The rules about English as a Second Language for graduate students, as laid out by The Graduate School
Health and Wellness