Special Education: Mild to Intensive Dual Licensure Intervention Specialist

Effective for students admitted to the College of Education and Human Ecology beginning Autumn 2024
General Education Requirements (32-39 Hours)
Bookends (2 Hours)
- Launch Seminar (1)
- Reflection Seminar (1)
Foundations (22-25 Hours)
- Writing & Information Literacy (3)
- Mathematical & Quantitative Reasoning or Data Analysis (3-5)
- Literary, Visual & Performing Arts (3)
- Historical & Cultural Studies (3)
- Natural Science (4-5)
- Social & Behavioral Sciences (3)
- Race, Ethnic & Gender Diversity (3)
Thematic Pathways (8-12 Hours)
Take 4-6 hours from Citizenship for a Diverse & Just World and 4-6 hours from another Thematic Pathway of choice.
- Citizenship for a Diverse & Just World
- Choice of 4-6 hours from one additional Thematic Pathway:
- Lived Environments
- Origins & Evolution
- Migration, Mobility, & Immobility
- Sustainability
- Traditions, Cultures, & Transformations
- Health & Wellbeing
- Number, Nature, Mind
College Requirement (1 Hour)
- EHE 1100 College Survey (1)
Supporting Courses (35 Hours)
- PSYCH 1100 Introduction to Psychology (can overlap with GE Social & Behavioral Sciences) (3)
- Choose one:
- MATH 1125 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I (5)
- MATH 1135 Number and Operations for Teachers (5)
- Choose one:
- MATH 1126 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II (5)
- MATH 1136 Measurement and Geometry for Teachers (5)
- HDFS 2410 Child Development (3)
- MUSIC 3373 Music for Special Education Teachers (2)
- Choose one:
- ESPHE 3410 Philosophy of Education (can overlap with GE Historical & Cultural Studies) (3)
- ESPHE 3206 School and Society (can overlap with GE Race, Ethnicity, & Gender Diversity) (3)
- ESPHE 4280 History of Modern Education (3)
- EDUCST 2189S First Education Experience Program (FEEP) (B- grade or higher required) (5)
- EDUTL 5468 Foundations of Reading and Literacy (3)
- EDUTL 5469 Language and Word Study for All Learners (3)
- EDUTL 5225 Diverse Literature and Comprehension – Elementary-Middle Education (3)
Major Requirements (69 Hours)
B- minimum grade required in all Major Requirements
Major Core (66 Hours)
- ESSPED 2252 Becoming a Special Education Professional and Lifelong Learner (1.5)
- ESSPED 2251 Introduction to the Special Education Profession (take with ESSPED 2252) (3)
- ESSPED 5742 Applied Behavior Analysis for Teachers (3)
- ESSPED 3251 Introduction to Explicit Instruction (1.5)
- ESSPED 3252 Strategies for Active Student Responding (1.5)
- ESSPED 5722 Language and Communication Development for Children with Mild to Intensive Disabilities (3)
- ESSPED 5769 Delivering Effective Services to Enhance the Inclusion of Students with Special Needs (3)
- ESSPED 4251 Classroom Management (1.5)
- ESSPED 4350 Teaching Adaptive Behaviors, Life Skills, and Executive Functioning Skills (4.5)
- ESSPED 4360 Teaching Writing to Students with Disabilities (3)
- ESSPED 4252 Intensive Interventions for Behavior Change (1.5)
- ESSPED 5743 Educational Assessment of Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities (3)
- ESSPED 5283 Collaboration with Diverse Families & Professionals (1.5)
- ESSPED 5743 Individualized Education Programs (1.5)
- ESSPED 4744 Supporting Secondary Transition for Students with Disabilities (3)
- ESSPED 5739 Teaching Math to Students with Disabilities (4.5)
- Choose one:
- ESSPED 5222 Working with Paraeducators (1.5)
- ESSPED 5282 Collaboration and School/Community Partnerships (1.5)
- ESSPED 5150 Introduction to Assistive Technologies to Support Students with Disabilities in Classrooms (1.5)
- ESSPED 5738 Reading Instruction for Children with Disabilities or Severe Reading Deficits (4.5)
- ESSPED 4190 Preparing for Professional Life as an Intervention Specialist (6)
- ESSPED 4191.04 Student Teaching in Special Education: Mild/Intensive (12)
Advanced Study (AS) Electives (Choose 3 Hours)
- ESSPED 5151 Twice and Thrice Exceptional Students* (1.5)
- ESSPED 5152 Strategic Integration of Content Across Settings for Students With Disabilities* (1.5)
- ESSPED 5153 Programming for Generalized Outcomes** (1.5)
- ESSPED 5154 Measuring Academic and Behavioral Progress for Learners with Disabilities** (1.5)
*Specific Learning Disabilities AS Badge
**Autism Spectrum Disorder AS Badge
Successful completion of the Ohio Assessment for Educators examinations is required prior to student teaching. To be recommended for state of Ohio teacher licensure, must maintain a 2.75 cumulative GPA and earn a B- or higher grade in student teaching.
Total Hours: 131-144
Free Electives to reach 120 Hours: 0
Minimum of 120 credit hours required for degree completion. Total Hours range is based on requirement course choices and/or the number of credits that overlap between requirement areas. Students are encouraged to overlap as many credits as possible.