The College of Education and Human Ecology Inspire Podcast

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The Ohio State University Inspire podcast

The monthly Inspire Podcast asks Ohio State's Education and Human Ecology experts — and everyday heroes — about the issues that people encounter in life: mental and physical health, inequity, lifelong learning, raising and teaching children.  To discover why ... and why not? Because hidden in our dilemmas and most complex problems are exquisite solutions. 

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Matt Mayhew
Awakened to privilege: ‘Rich white guy’ finds the sweet spot
Higher education expert and Flesher Professor Matthew Mayhew believes that college is "the great intervention" that motivates students to understand difference — in race, religion and world view. How did an evangelical Christian who grew up with packaged privilege come to that conclusion?
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Donna Ford at desk
Black and gifted: A trailblazer’s backstory
Nationally recognized expert Donna Ford tells her backstory on being gifted, black and poor in East Cleveland, and how it motivated her to create change for gifted children of color.
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Fighting hunger through science
She grew up sheltered from poverty in her comfortable home in Ghana. But when Irene Hatsu came face-to-face with extreme hunger, she decided to do something about it. At Ohio State, the associate professor of nutrition teams up with a top researcher to help a vulnerable population in novel ways.
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OSU Oval
Racial Reckoning: Black students tell their stories
Five Black Ohio State students tell the shocking stories of racism they've endured, and how "emotionally exhausting" being young and Black in America can be. How educators can help, and how these students intend to turn the tide through education.
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Ann Low
A couture dress in a thrift store, a story about race
A thrift store debutante gown turns out to be a creation by Ann Lowe, the first Black designer and maker of Jacqueline Kennedy’s wedding dress. Behind the exquisite stitchery, a tale of race and daunting odds.
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Student in class taking an exam
Schooled in racial bias: Unraveling harm in K-12 education
Disparities in discipline and academics have for decades hurt students of color. Now communities are ending the silence about racism in K-12 education. We talk to scholars and educators about addressing a history of wrongdoing toward marginalized students.
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Asain group
Not your model minority: Asian students speak out
Attacks on Asians and Asian Americans have escalated, but students at Ohio State University are not taking it sitting down. Asian American and Pacific Islander students and faculty speak up, shedding light on 150 years of oppression.
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Two kids playing
Missed genius: When gifted students are overlooked
A Black boy from Brooklyn flew under the radar in American schools. Now he’s a professor and researcher of underrepresentation in gifted education. How many others are left behind?
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Woman studying
Onward: Building diversity on American campuses
As college students, they struggled against a system that often made them feel inadequate. Now Ohio State leaders, Ayanna Howard, James Moore and Don Pope-Davis are creating change and showing how everyone benefits from diversity on campus.
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two students
Black English is fire, even in class
Ohio State University Inspire Podcast Black English is fire, even in class Too fly. Fire. Dope. So much of American expression comes straight from Black English, a.k.a. African American Vernacular English. But you won't find this colorful and dynamic language taught in schools. Ohio State education researchers say Black students need their language heritage to finally be validated. Materials contained within this podcast are the copyrighted property of The Ohio State University.
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