Language, Education and Society
Study how language, culture and social processes affect educational issues. As a student, you will have many ways to customize your program and many opportunities to work closely with faculty on their research and pursue your own research interests to shape the educational discourse in language, culture and learning in our nation’s schools and beyond.
Degrees and Programs

Program Sub-areas
Focuses on the close connection between language and learning across the grade levels from preschool through high school and across classroom, community, family, teacher education, and other contexts.
Focuses on bilingual and biliteracy development and education for children and adolescents in primary and secondary schools. Also address the local and global perspectives on bilingual education policy and practices.
Focuses on the ways education can be conceptualized to best meet the needs of diverse student populations (pre-school to elementary) within a continually shifting cultural and political global context.
Focuses on how the variation in the dialects and languages students speak might influence their education with particular emphasis on understanding the legitimacy and beauty of all language varieties.
Focuses on the education of students with visual impairments. Emphasis is placed on academic learning with special attention to science education, instruction that promotes conceptual understanding of academic domains and teacher education and curriculum development.
Focuses on the relationship of language and power with specific attention to how language reflects and produces power relationships among people and among people and social institutions.
Focuses on how people use language for the purpose of socializing others and themselves to particular communities and cultures while simultaneously focusing on how the activities, events, and practices of a community socialize people to that community’s ways of using language.
Student Opportunities
The college’s annual forum showcases the research efforts of graduate students and other researchers in the college.

Sponsored by the Council of Graduate Students, the university forum highlights exemplary and innovative research conducted by Ohio State graduate students.

AERA offers a rich array of programs and services for students through its divisions, special interest groups, and the Graduate Student Council for professional development, mentoring and networking.

The group provides academic and professional development opportunities for students to develop their skills in discussions, presentations, workshops and symposiums.

A collaborative space at Ohio State harnessing the expertise and pedagogical practice of the Department of Teaching and Learning, focusing on multilingual language education and language teacher development.

The Center engages multidisciplinary researchers dedicated to high-quality scholarship to improve children’s learning and development in homes and schools communities. It also engages policy leaders on early childhood issues.

Provides an opportunity for academicians and professionals from various educational and Industrial sectors to bridge the knowledge gap, promote research and the evolution of special needs in education.
Program stories