grad students talking

Doctor of Philosophy, Language, Education and Society

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The PhD in Language, Education, and Society is a research-intensive environment studying how language and social processes are related to educational issues. Students and faculty are engaged with issues of language, culture and learning in school and non-school settings and believe that some of the most difficult problems in education and society can be addressed through research and scholarship.

Students who began the T&L PhD program in AU25 or beyond will follow the curriculum of one of the five new specializations associated with the PhD redesign. This area of study only pertains to students who began in AU24 or before. If you are a student who started in AU24 or before and want to switch into one of the new specializations, please work with your faculty advisor to determine if this is appropriate for you.

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Program Features 

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Research Areas 

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Career Paths 

teacher in classroom
University Faculty 
K-12 Curriculum Supervisor 
Inclusion Specialist 
EHE grad student with poster
Post-Doctoral Researcher 
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Funding Opportunities 

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Degree Requirements

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Master’s degree.

Program start

Autumn Semester 

Deadline to apply

December 1 

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Minimum Program hours


(up to 30 may transfer)