counselor speaking to man and woman

Counseling Psychology, PhD

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The PhD in Counseling Psychology at Ohio State University has been designed to train future counseling psychologists, following the competencies of American Psychological Association’s Council on Accreditation. Furthermore, you will be trained to use a health equity lens, to develop excellent advocacy skills, to understand the impact of change through policy making and to develop outstanding leadership skills. All of these skills will require taking an evidence-based approach. Thus, there will be ample opportunities in working closely with faculty to hone research skills to make an impact on scholarship, practice, policy and practice.

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Career Paths

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Funding Options

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Counseling Psychology Faculty

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Degree Requirements

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Please email for the Counseling Psychology PhD Program Eligibility Guidelines

Program start

Autumn Semester

Deadline to apply

December 1

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Minimum program hours

61 (post-master’s)

Statement of Purpose (up to 1500 words, 12-point font, double spaced)

  • Describe your interests in the program, why you want to become a counseling psychologist, and your professional goals?
  • Describe your interests, experiences, and perspectives regarding working with individuals and groups to address mental health disparities.
  • Briefly summarize your experiences providing therapy (total intervention hours accumulated, total intervention hours expected to accumulate by enrollment, modalities, and populations served).
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Accreditation Information

The Counseling Psychology Doctoral Program at the Ohio State University in the College of Education and Human Ecology is not currently accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA). However, the program is pursuing accreditation through APA Commission on Accreditation (APA-CoA), the primary programmatic accreditor in the US for professional education and training in psychology.

More information and accreditation status is available on the program website.

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Counselor Psychology Website

View webpage

Application Checklist

View Application Checklist

Detailed Admissions Guidelines

View guidelines

Curriculum and Course Requirements

View requirements

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