Reading and Literacy in Early and Middle Childhood
A leader in literacy research and teaching, the Reading and Literacy in Early and Middle Childhood specialization provides you a strong theoretical and practical understanding of teaching, learning and educational environments. You’ll learn from highly respected faculty who will help you cultivate your understanding of reading and literacy development as well as mentor and encourage your research interests. Your studies at Ohio State are made more robust because of the outreach and community research opportunities available in the communities around the university.

Student Opportunities

AERA offers a rich array of programs and services for students through its divisions, special interest groups (i.e. Research in Reading and Literacy, Literature), and the Graduate Student Council for professional development, mentoring and networking.

The Center engages multidisciplinary researchers dedicated to high-quality scholarship to improve children’s learning and development in homes, schools and communities. It also engages policy leaders on early childhood issues.

Sponsored by the Council of Graduate Students, the university forum highlights exemplary and innovative research conducted by Ohio State graduate students.

A non-profit professional organization for advancing literacy theory, research and practice. Engage in research and dialogue about literacy-related topics. Supports professional development of emerging and established scholars, advocates for research-informed improvements in education.

The college’s annual forum showcases the research efforts of graduate students and other researchers in the college.
Program stories

Professor Caroline Clark is the Principal Investigator for a Racial Justice and Community Engagement grant from The Ohio State University’s Global Arts and Humanities Discovery Theme

Jonda McNair, Charlotte S. Huck Endowed Professor of Children's Literature, published an article in The Reading Teacher on the value of peritextual book features.

Associate Professor Shayne Piasta discusses early literacy development on the Circle Time podcast by the Southside Early Learning Center in Columbus.

Associate Professor Michiko Hikada examines teacher practices in high-stakes testing for the journal Urban Education.