students at seminar presentation

Doctor of Philosophy in Teaching and Learning, Inclusive Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics Education

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The Inclusive STEAM (InSTEAM) Education specialization explores inclusion of all students, including those from urban, rural and suburban communities along with those with visual and sensory impairments in science, technology, engineering, the visual arts and mathematics education through equitable, diverse culturally responsive practices to ensure that all students (PreK-16) can access and participate in STEAM education grounded in disciplinary and interdisciplinary research and best practices.

Students who began the T&L PhD program in AU24 or prior should follow the curriculum of one of the 8 areas of study associated with the PhD program prior to its redesign. This specialization only pertains to students who began in AU25, or, those who began prior and have already discussed and executed a specialization change with their faculty advisor. If you have any questions regarding which plan of study is most appropriate for you, please consult with your faculty advisor.

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Funding Opportunities

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Degree Requirements

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Master’s degree.

Program start

Autumn Semester


Deadline to apply

December 1

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Minimum Program hours


(30 of which can be transferred from the student’s Master’s degree)

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